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Salvific Love Prayer

  1. Salvific Love Prayer
  2. Meditate on the Cross (contemplate in your heart how Jesus suffered for you.)
  3. What issue: physical (illness), emotional (lack of peace), spiritual (sin)? Ask Jesus what wound He has already suffered for your issues. Meditate on that wound and feel it.
  4. Leave your issue in His wound. Thank Jesus for taking care of it. (Gratitude)
  5. Forgiveness: Ask Jesus, is there someone that I need to forgive? Others, God (judged Him), myself.
  6. The Cross is the doorway into a relationship with Jesus. It is the door to Heaven. Walk through the Cross to the veil (wounds of Jesus) that has been torn for us on Good Friday. Go into the throne room and walk in a relationship with Jesus.
  7. Move into the Presence, the Divine Embrace, where the Lord can heal our issues and can fill us with peace (shalom), agape, and truth.
  8. Listen to Him in your heart.

             Rev. Mr. Brian Kerby


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