As the Father has chosen you, O Mary, to be His Immaculate Child.
Joseph’s spouse, and the Mother of His beloved Son and of the whole
Church, in full communion with the Holy Spirit, so we choose you this day
as Mother and Queen of our whole family; and we consecrate to you our
souls and our bodies, all that we do and all that we have, without exception.
Envelope each one of us with your most maternal mercy, Teach us to love
Jesus and the Father always more, and in and through them, to love one
another in the Holy Spirit, discovering one another evermore profoundly
in the light of Jesus, respecting one another, and choosing one another
each day with a more divine and simple love.
O Mary, Grant that each of us fulfill the Father’s will each day, in a more
personal gift of ourselves, so that our whole family may bear witness, in the
midst of the world, to the love of Jesus victorious over evil.
Community of Saint John