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Novena to the Holy Spirit 2-Day 8



No one, O Holy Spirit, not even You, can cite an occasion that could arise in my life here on earth that cannot be more than satisfied by Your seven gifts. 

My love for You, O Holy Spirit, increases as I learn to listen to your KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING, and COUNSEL. My love grows as I experience the FORTITUDE and PIETY You give to me. 

Increase in me, O Holy Spirit, Your gift of FEAR OF THE LORD so that I will love You so much I cannot offend You out of FEAR of losing You. 

Thank You, O Holy Spirit, for your infinite love. 

I know Your great love for me by the mere fact You, the Father and Son, created me and gave me life. Just as I love what I have accomplished, You also love what You have accomplished. IT IS GOOD. 


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